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Specialty Fruits Sweetened in May Hit the Market
2024-05-14 11:35      Source:Hangzhou China      

“So yummy the loquats from Tangqi.” Gourmets are flocking over as the trees start to bear ripe fruits.

“We love “white sands”, a sort of tender-flesh loquats from Tangqi. I came afar from Shanghai to sip the first drop,” said Ms. Lu chewing the sweet fruits, smile on her face. “Now my sweet time.” 

As the harvest season approaches, not only do tourists revel in the sweetness on their palates, but local farmers also bask in the joy of a bountiful harvest. Trees are densely packed with the “golden fruits” at Guoshun’s Farm in Tangqi, Linping District. Farmers are engaged in examining the progress of the trees or plucking ripe loquats from the boughs.   

“We have big and nice-shaped fruits this year,” said Zhang Guoshun, the owner of the Guoshun’s Farm. He mentioned the regular customers’ pre-orders of his greenhouse-born loquats, as the first batch to get sweetened, were sold out. He has to hurry up packing and shipping the fruits to satisfy his loyal customers. 

“For our loquats, we expect a total of 5,000 tons in production this year, a rise of 30% year on year,” quoted by Ma Zhengrong, deputy director of Tangqi’s regional (rural area) development administration. The greenhouse loquats have now been available on the market, yet those grown in open fields are about to hit the market around mid-May. In pricing, Ma admitted that the rate won’t be high because of the slight rise of its total production, though the market has the final say.   

So, attention please, if you want have a good buy of the fruit. Tangqi authority will have a loquat sales zone on the west side of Tangqi No.2 Kindergarten, right at the intersection of Lvyin Street and Yuanman Road, this weekend. It encompasses several areas each for concentrated exhibition, direct sales, logistics, and management service. There will be over a hundred stalls dedicated solely to the sale of loquats. The authority provides a fair scale in the sales area for protecting consumers’ rights, and there will be officers from the government of Tangqi on parade. Special inspections for loquat packaging and roadside sales of loquats are also ongoing with the purpose of preserving the reputation of “Tangqi’s loquats”, assuring a delightful, worry-free shopping experience.