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“Forest Fairie” Spotted at West Lake
2024-04-17 10:32      Source:Hangzhou China      

Staff from the West Lake Waters Management Office recently stumbled upon a stunning avian visitor near the Qiantangmen site—a magnificent large bird with an arresting appearance. Its snowy white upper body, adorned with dramatic black V-shaped feathers, contrasts beautifully with its black lower body. Topping off its regal look is a long black crest atop its head, complemented by elegant, flowing tail feathers, while vibrant red accents around the eyes and on its feet add a flourish of color.

Upon consulting with wildlife experts, the bird was identified as a male silver pheasant.

This rare visitor has quickly become a delightful addition to the scenery at the West Lake, stopping locals and tourists in their tracks to admire its graceful movements.

Staff from the West Lake Waters Management Office told our reporter that the silver pheasant is a member of the family Phasianidae in the order Galliformes. It’s a Class II protected animal at the national level in China. These “Forest Fairies,” as we Chinese fondly call them, prefer the lush mountain forests south of the Yangtze River.

Hangzhou’s thriving ecosystem is attracting a wider variety of wildlife. The West Lake Scenic Area, with its untouched beauty and minimal human footprint, has become a haven for silver pheasants. If you venture deep into the mountain forests within the scenic area, it is more likely to encounter these enchanting birds. They are a vital part of our shared home. Let’s all do our part to protect our feathered friends and keep Hangzhou a place where nature flourishes.