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Multiple Watching Spaces Gear Up for the Asian Games
2023-03-08 15:06      Source:Hangzhou China      

The Xiasha Cultural Center in Qiantang District was festive on the morning of March 5. People were swarming for the music, group dances and aerobics, learning more about the Asian Games and its merchandise, playing games, and trying mouth-watering snacks at vendor stalls.

The Hangzhou Urban Administration, the West Lake Scenic Area Administration, as well as authorities in 13 districts and counties have rolled out activities together to enhance people's awareness of the upcoming Asian Games as the 200-day countdown approaches. In Sunday's campaign, the Xiasha Cultural Center was the main venue, while other viewing spaces also offered fun experiences. There were nearly 200 programs, such as live sports, city renovation exhibitions, Asian Games culture shows, lakeside running, and a Song Dynasty-style Garden Party.

Citizens can watch the Asian Games at 15 large venues and 67 small facilities, according to the City Landscape Center of the Hangzhou Urban Administration. Some 230 activities (sports, cultural projects, launch ceremonies, etc.) have been staged to stimulate people's aspirations for the Asian Games. The campaign at the weekend was the first warm-up, supported by multiple stakeholders and reaffirming the city's commitment to host a brilliant event.

The authority also mentioned that "more warm-up activities will be designed to leverage the 15 large game-watching venues at important countdown dates. Hopefully the spectators will find them exciting places to get an adrenaline rush in September and October." As for the 67 compact-size spaces, intangible cultural heritage, calligraphy, painting, plant appreciation, and fitness programs will be a good fit before the Asian Games open.